Concorde Story, the (6th edition, adopted by British Aws !)

Concorde Story, the (6th edition, adopted by British Aws !)


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Out of print, very last one available!

Publisher: Osprey, ISBN 1 8417 6667 1

Writer : Orlebar, Christopher (Produced 2004)

Pages : 232

Color pict : 100 b/w pict: 40

Format : A4, Hardback

Subject : Civil Aviation

Description : Fully updated and extended sixth edition, of course including the final chapters on Concorde flyying with Air France and british Airways

In stock : Yes

Price: Euro 31.75

Large package/Belstuk

Please note that we only have one in stock. We cannot 100% guarantee availability. It could well be that this item has just been reserved or sold to someone else. Of course we will let you know asap

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