Koga's Zero, the Fighter that Changed World War II

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Koga's Zero, the Fighter that Changed World War II


Not in stock anymore !

Publisher: Independent, ISBN 9780929521565

Writer : Rearden, Jim (Produced 1995)

Pages : 114

b/w pict : 64

Format : A4/5, Softback

Subject : World War Two - Aircraft Types

Description in Dutch/Omschrijving : Verbazingwekkend maar waar gebeurd verhaal van Tadayoshi Koga die crash-lande op Akutan in Alaska op 4 juni 1942. Vijf weken later werd het wrak ontdekt door de Amerikanen, een schat van waarde!


Please note that of most second hands items we often have only one in stock. It could well be that this item has just been reserved or sold to someone else.

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