Battle over Britain (Aston)

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Battle over Britain (Aston)


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Publisher: Aston, ISBN 0 9466 2715 0

Writer : Mason, Francis K (Produced 1990)

Pages : 550

illustrations : 566

Format : A4, Hardback

Subject : World War Two - Germany

Description in Dutch/Omschrijving : Heruitgave van een van de beste werken over de slag om Engeland. Nu geheel bijgewerkt met nieuwe informatie en kleurenillustraties. Zonder meer een van de meest complete werken over de slag.

Description : A history of the German air assaults on Great Britain,1917-18 and July-December 1940, and the development of Britain's air defenses between the World Wars

In stock : Yes

Price: Euro 39.50

Large package/Belstuk

Please note that of most second hands items we often have only one in stock. It could well be that this item has just been reserved or sold to someone else.

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