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Apart from being an aviation hobby shop, Flash Aviation also occasionally publishes some books or is deeply involved in the editorial part. A listing can be found here.. |
Vliegtuigen van de Belgische Luchtmacht part 3, Republic RF-84F Thunderflash (BS200027) Designed specifically for the reconnaissance task, the Thunderflash was intensively used by the Belgian Air Force. They even had an Iron-curtain incident when a Thunderflash pilot lost his way... History, flying, units and many pictures, including color and profiles by Bob Block.By Daniel Brackx, 68 pages, 80 b&w, and 20 color pictures, 9 profiles English captions available Dutch language Euro 18,00 |
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Vliegtuigen van de Belgische Luchtmacht part 2, Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX (BS200026) The Spitfire Mk.IX was only used by the Belgian Air Force for seven years. A history including the pre-service life with Cogea Nouvelle and the warbird scene. Detailed profiles by Bob Block. Limited edition.By Daniel Brackx, 64 pages, 90 pictures including color, 10 profilesEnglish captions available Dutch language Euro 18,00 |
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Vliegtuigen van de Belgische Luchtmacht part 1, Gloster Meteor F.4 (BS200025) The Gloster Meteor F.4 went into service during 1949 and was the first jet-fighter for the Belgian Air Force. History, flying, units and many pictures (including color. Profiles by Bob Block. Limited edition.By Daniel Brackx, 52 pages, 70 pictures, 10 profiles English captions available Dutch language Euro 18,00 |
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Belgian Special Colours (BK200023) A lot of Belgian military aircraft have been painted in special colors due to anniversaries, the Tiger Meet, hours flown or what-ever reason one could come up with ! From F-16 to Hercules, Fouga, S-58, Mirage, Alouette, Alpha Jet etc.By Cor van Gent and Jack Bosma, 216 pages, 427 color pictures English language Euro 25,00 |
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SIAI Marchetti, Agile Penguins in Belgian Skies (BK200022) For 40 years, the Marchetti has been used by the Belgium Air Force for initial pilot training accumu-lating 300.000 flying hrs. Pictorial book, with history, demo pilots and teams, aircraft in service, accidents & incidents, technical data, walk-around etc.Serge v Heertum & Marc Arys, sbk, 146 pages, 350 pictures mostly color Dutch, French or English language ! Euro 25,00 |
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Kaman H-43 Huskie, A Life time after Military Service (BK200019) The civil life and times of the Kaman Huskie helicopter used for crop-dusting, fire-fighting, fertilizing, logging and lifting for over forty years. Unique pictorial history of companies facing the operations of the complex Huskie helicopter whilst trying to survive and keep on flying...Hans D. Ragay, Softback, 106 pages, 164 pictures, 21 x 24cm, English text Euro 22,00 |
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Fouga Magister, Whistling Turtles in Belgian Skies (BK200024) The most comprehensive story on the Fouga Magister in the Belgian Air Force ever ! Details on history, "the Red Devils", other demo-pilots and teams, the aircraft in service, accidents and incidents, technical data, a photographic walk-around of the Fouga and much more.Serge v Heertum & Marc Arys, sbk, 214 pages, 680 photos French or Dutch language Euro 25,00 |
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Luchtstrijdkrachten België, Vliegtuig- en Registratie overzicht (BK200017) A survey of all aircraft types that have been in use in Belgium since the Second World War; Belgian Air Force, Army, Navy, Air Cadettes and Police as well as the Force Publique in Belgian Congo. Registration review with c/n, date in/out, codes etc.Daniel Brackx, softback, 186 pages, 160 pictures, Dutch language Euro 14,50 |
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Vreemde Vogels op Valkenburg (BK200021) Valkenburg started to be used by the enemy first ! After the War Valkenburg airfield became the major airbase for the Dutch Naval air service (MLD). An illustrated listing of all Foreign military aircraft known to have visited Valkenburg throughout the years including background nformation.Martin de Boer, 144 pages Dutch language Euro 15,00 |
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KLu Crash Archief part 2; 1965 - 1974 (BK200015) The sequel to KLu Crash Archief, this time accidents and incidents within the Dutch Air Force from 1965 up to 1974.The book describes incidents of the Thunderstreak, Hawker Hunter, Alouette III, Super Cub, Friendship, Beaver, T-33, S.11, NF-5 Freedom Fighter and of course the unforgettable Lockheed F-104G Starfighter. Bird-strikes, flat tyres, collisions, ricochets, take-off and landing-incidents and "total loss" cases. 108 page packed with 232 b/w foto's, Euro 12,50 |
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Koninklijke Luchtmacht; (BK200001) Every single aircraft in use with the Dutch Air Force since 1945 has been dealt with in detail. With registration, c/n, month&year in service, month&year out of service, CofA number, and final fait of the aircraft or current position.144 pages, A5, softbound. Euro 14,50 |
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Ongevallenfoto's 1945 - 1965 (BK200016) Belgian opponent of "Klu Crash Archief"... as also in Belgium accidents did occur!. Lesser known types like the Sycamore helicopter, Hurricane, Proctor, Tiger Moth, Stampe, Packet, Avro Canuck of the Belgian Air Force are handled alongside the "normal" Thunderstreak, Hunter etc. Most pictures have not yet been published.112 pages, softback, Euro 12,50 |
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KLu crash archief, Ongevallenfoto's 1945-1965
Sold out |
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75 JaarNederlandse Luchtvaartuig Registers (BK200011) The Ultimate book on the Dutch civil register throughout the years. Including the first, second and current register, gliders, ultralights, reservations, test registrations, semi-military registrations and the like. It's just complete! Included are of course many pictures most not yet published before as well as copies of important documents. The book has been written and compiled by Herman Dekker, who is valued for his knowledge on this subject.We devoted a website to corrections, additions and additional indexes on this book at 75 Jaar Nederlandse Luchtvaartuig RegistersFor every book sold, we will make a small donation to the AMREF Flying Doctors.400 p. € 25,00 |
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Lockheed T-33 (BK200004, Hiltermann, G.) The history of the T-33 in Dutch service. Detailed descriptions of squadron services and pilot training, Whiskey Four, crashes, serials etc. (15 color- & 67 b/w pictures) 50p € 12.50 |
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Hawker Hunter (BK200009, Jaap Horsthuis) The Hunter, one of the first and far most beautiful airplanes ever build. The use of this plane in the Netherlands, at times that jet-fighters only lasted six years...Leeuwarden, Biak and the only civilian Hunter in the Netherlands PH-NLH. (110 pictures, 16 in color) 60p € 12.50 |
Belgium Military Wrecks & Relics since 1970 (BK010107, Brackx, Daniel) Complete insight of all post-war military aircraft wrecks, gate guards and museum pieces in Belgium. From Canuck to Mirage 5. Including locations, serials, Koksijde etc. (80 z/w pictures) 100p. € 5.00 |
West German Military Wrecks & Relics (BK010106, Hiltermann, G.A.) Complete listing of all post-war military wrecks, gate guards and museum aircraft in western Germany. From Harvard to Starfighter, all locations, USAFE aircraft etc. (over100 b/w pictures) 100p. € 5.00 |
WARNING ! Don't let valuable information get lost ! We don't live forever... Donate or lend your private collection, logbooks, picturebooks/albums etc to instancies like the Sectie Luchtmacht Historie, Den Haag or the Aviodrome Lelystad, or similar instances in your country. Wij will gladly offer you help in this.Too many times in the past, valuable or nice-to-know information, pictures, stories, documents ended up in the litter! Don't let that happen ! |
Corrections and additions to our (and other) publications can be found at: https://www.flashie.nl/nazorg.html |
Het Militaire Luchtvaartuigregister van de KLu Sinds 1960 is de Koninklijke Luchtmacht verplicht een Luchtvaartuigregister bij te houden zoals ook bij de burgervliegtuigen het geval is. Op dit moment zijn er ruim 1500 vliegtuigen ingeschreven geweest of staan nog ingeschreven. Dit kleine boekje geeft een overzichtslijst en meer bijzonderheden over dit register. |
LX-REG Luxembourg register For years now, we are compiling a complete review of the Luxembourg civil register. More on this subject can be found at luxembourg |
Dutch Super Cubs Twenty years ago a book was published on Dutch Super Cubs. Since, we have gathered an amazing amount of new information on this subject and we go in deeper at the use of the Super Cub. More on this subject can be found at Super Cubsvan informatie boven tafel gekomen. Meer informatie vindt U op onze site Super Cubs |
Indonesian Airways - het RI-register |
VLIEGEND IN NEDERLAND Republic RF-84F Thunderflash Hiller H-23/UH-12 Raven North American/FIAT F-86K Sabre Fokker S.XIV Machtrainer De Havilland DHC.2 Beaver Sud Aviation Alouette II |
We are already in the midst of the Hiller and Thunderflash documents For the series we are always looking for; - pilot logbooks or copies of such - pictures and even snapshots. As good pictures are hard to find in fact every picture is valuable to us. - stories from incidents, exercises, maintenance, operations etc If you can help us, please contact us at coen@flash-aviation.nl |
Corrections and additions to our (and other) publications can be found at: https://www.flashie.nl/nazorg.html |
march 2012